Monday, April 12, 2010

Life is good. (EPIC APRIL)

.. If you look at it that way.

EPIC APRIL, is right.

Got a cuddle buddy that might blossom into more, food to eat, entheogens to utilize, access to internet, healthy body to run in. LIFE IS GOOD. Acting in movies, doing voice-over work, meeting new people, playing video games, helping when and where I can, being responsible. Working and relaxing. Enduring and playing. Struggling and thriving.


Karma? Around this time last year for the past few years I've run into some bad luck. Is this payback? Either way, I am thankful and appreciate it. it's very nice.

My prayer:

That's all I ask. I will serve the greater good of the universe. If I can. And be aware that I have.


Sorry, there's air-raid sirens in ma neighborhood. They're a bit scary sometimes. Especially when I was on The Island.

I'm just sort of cerebrally vomiting here, so..... I'm going to publish my semi-"sad" blog draft I was sorta thinking about NOT posting, and then I'll publish this one. Then, hopefully, it's on to something productive.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hello ladies, hello work.


I have been SUPER BUSY as of late.

I'm busy RIGHT NOW.

Multi-tasking has become the name of the game for me. Multi-task well or die. If I'm not doing at least two things at once, I'm falling behind. Work, women, makin movies, serving the community, writing, maintaining myself, and much much more. Thankfully I'm officially past the halfway point with my community service. I thought I already was, but I was mistaken. Today tipped me past the half way point. Saturday I go in to do a 10 hour day hopefully. And then also hopefully from here on out I'll just do 10 hour days. That way I'll only have 10 left. Nice. Even. Easy. Multiples of 10. 10 10 hour days. Sates my OCD so well...I can't wait to be done with it entirely.

Right now I am doing laundry, talking to this girl I met through making a movie, and writing this blog. Along with other activities that should merely be assumed. (Respiration, blinking, being awesome, etc.)

On the girl front, just like everything else it has gone from 0 to 60 in negative 5 seconds flat.

I went from sitting on my ass for the larger portion of the day, alone, with no real responsibility, obligation or a person to share my "nothing" with to being active from sunup to sundown and affronted with a variety of choices.

The streak has ended.

I've been doing a lot of activities considered to be either hippie-esque, Japanese or a combination of the two. And I gotta say, I like it.

Taking it easy in the gym and life in general has turned out to be pretty hard.

I'm sort of entertaining the thought of ignoring my blog, facebook and twitter until I've made some more progress in my writing (which I've been neglecting as of late). I complain that I never have any time to write, yet I pretty regularly (even with how busy I am) find time to facebook, twitter, or blog. Sometimes on the go. Time to get like that with writing. Time to get more serious about my writing. Time to get more serious in general.


Saturday, April 3, 2010


Taking it easy is hard.

I'm obsessed with speed, power, strength and the like. More. Bigger. Faster. Better.

I've lost sight of relaxation. Well now my body and subconscious are forcing me to relearn its values.

I've been neglecting my blog, and my twitter and my writing in general. In my defense I've just been through a lot. Things are only just settling down now. I'm reclined on a couch equipped to do so, headphones on, netbook on my 'acid blankie' and both on my lap. I'm quite hungry, but moving is a chore because of the foolish actions of my past incarnation. I was performing Bent-Over Rows on thursday and on the last rep of my last set I broke form to get another rep.  I really hope I haven't done myself any lasting damage. Life is determined to wrestle my pride away from me. (Here's the trick... I don't ACTUALLY have any.) In my opinion Pride is the Original and Most Dangerous Sin. Greed is a close second. Every other sin can be traced back to one of these two.

The World Is Not Enough.

In the vain of endeavoring not to endeavor so much, I'm going to cut this entry short and really try to enjoy my downtime today and the rest of this weekend. It's back to the grind on Monday and I need to be well-rested and healthy before then. Can't let a bum ankle force me to quit my marathon. Just gotta hang out here on the sidelines for a bit and not go too hard on it when I resume. Easier said than done. I need to remember that in the Marathon Of Life there is no prize for finishing quickly. A finish line is a goal to aim for, not the entire reason for running.