It's been a long time since I've felt compelled to write down a dream that I've had, but this one was just too trippy/vivid to pass up. To let dissolve back into the æther. This is also the first time in a while that I've felt like I was experiencing something, instead of actively creating it. Much like I sometimes do when I write fiction. All of us have realistic feeling dreams, I'm sure, but this felt less like a "dream" and more like being a roving "consciousness" or "perspective". Like I was somewhere else in time and space, maybe in a different shard of the multiverse, a piece of existence that splintered off from this "reality" long ago. Or maybe just very far in this universe's timeline.
In the beginning I was a uniformed officer, a female, going down to the surface of a planet. Not sure if I beamed down or took a physical drop-ship or what. When I touched down, there was a man with African features but blue skin (faintly fluorescently glowing a la Dr. Manhattan), also wearing a "starfleet" uniform. He was quite jovial and eager to show me something. He challenged me to a footrace. (Apparently I am keen on speed and racing on all planes of existence and in all manners of conscious experience, haha.) I of course accepted. I kept pace for just a few moments before he was able to reveal what he was so excited to show me. He zoomed off ahead in a blur, and moments after leaving my line of sight returned running the exact opposite way. He remarked, "I just ran around the entire planet 30 times."
I don't know if I was told in words or if I just understood it, but the planet was giving certain crew special powers.
Around this time two things happened simultaneously, as they only can in dreams' nonlinear dreamtime. Stuff just comes at you in a "ball of information" and you understand it free from sequence. Half-liberating/half-frustrating. Anyway, so on the one hand the event that I will describe after this one began occurring now as well as the one I am presently going to detail. I had flashed out of the woman's body/perspective and into a man's. One of the crew that had apparently been on the planet's surface for 3 days by himself with no communication to/from the ship. My/his uniform was showing obvious signs of wear/dirt and a clear cunning had developed in my/his demeanor. One of the giant "bugs" from the next part had dropped a small shelled creature of some sort, and through a method of flipping and reflipping it I was creating small maggot-like things inside a viscous liquid in the shell which I understood to be edible. As I was eating the foul tasting things I was looking at the drop point where the rest of the mostly female crew were set atop Chocobo-style giant birds (that I can't too clearly remember) idling in place in much the way a rider on a horse does, and they were complaining about their 3 hours sequestered from communication with our ship. I felt contempt at their menial cries of "I'm hungry." and "I'm bored." as I remembered my past three days of survival. Survival without attaining any powers, I remind you.
Now at the same time that little sequence was goin' down back in the female's body I was experiencing the following. Shortly after the glowing crewman returned the ground began shaking and vibrating. A horde of something was clearly on its way. Na'vi-like alien natives begain arriving in droves on giant bug-like creatures. They were like round millipedes. Huge furry "lids" with numerous legs around the rim. Large enough for humanoids to ride on. From afar they slaughtered a good many of the crew with long-range weapons. As they drew close, however, a curious happenstance took place. Simply being in close proximity to any member of the crew was electrocuting them. It appeared quite painful, and was largely the reason they retreated. Their skin could be seen short-circuiting in and out of Predator-style invisi-camo. It also appeared to be biological rather than technological.
Back in the man's body, we all began experiencing nightfall. And what a gorgeous sight it was. Words will certainly fail to fully describe what I saw. As the light left the sky, several planets became visible. The first of which was turning blood-red in country-shaped segments from top to bottom. On the planet's horizon a twisted city came into view. It was very far off, and looked to be built with primitive materials but with advanced architecture. Skyscrapers of adobe and wood. All twisted like the cream swirling in coffee. The word seems trite and I feel glib resorting to it, but the only way this can be described is: trippy. We didn't know if the city was actually convoluted that way or if it was some optical illusion being caused by the planet. The darker it got the easier it was to see other planets in the night sky. These next ones that came into view were a far cry from the Mars like one from earlier. They had huge squares and rectangles all over them. Some were just dotting the surface like pixels, (think digital camo), while others were huge protrusions off the planet's surface rivaling the planet in size. It was clear something intelligent had done this.
I began "flashing" away from the planet. Captain Picard was giving a speech on the ship and I was viewing the actual happenings directly in space. Galaxy-size machines were harvesting planets a la the machines in The Matrix that were harvesting fetuses. A giant claw type apparatus, large enough to grip a planet like one with sufficiently sized hands might grip a basketball, was rolling planets in space, to and fro and depositing them into machines. Linear time REALLY falls away at this point for me as many of the following events/experiences all seemed to happen at once. I will do my best to sequence them in a way that can be understood.
On the ship the Captain was haranguing someone on the coming Singularity. And event he referred to as the "Zero Point". (Which I will be using from now on.) He outlined basically what I said in my previous blog post: that humankind (nay intelligent consciousness) is moving towards completely connecting the known physical universe and then willfully disseminating it.
Somewhere else on the ship I was settling down into a mechanical chair bathed in a red-orange light that was hooked way high up into the ceiling and not touching the ground. When the light hit you normal vision ceased to be. You could see in all directions at once. 360 degrees of visibility. Something I will never be able to describe so I won't even bother. (It'd be like explaining colors to a blind person.) Well what I experienced was understood as normal run-of-the-mill late-night "TV". It was multi-colored women, naked or in various stages of undress and equally as many varied poses. A bit banal, but when taken in this format, exciting nonetheless.
Seated somewhere near me was a woman that I had a sexual experience with at some point in time, but exactly when I couldn't tell you.
She resembled some female celebrity whose name escapes me at the moment. She had dark hair and very thin Nordic features. Very pretty. Very attractive/alluring. Very upper-class. Body and mannerism wise she resembled Miss Parker from The Pretender. She had a professional business woman's attire on and was somewhat elegantly smoking a cigarette. We got into an argument about her smoking around others and then there was some paddle-play and heavy sexual tension. I don't think any actual sex occurred, but it was still a very sexy experience.
This is all going on as the machine is harvesting worlds and the captain's giving his speech and as scenes of the next big "act" are flashing around montage-style as well.
Suddenly I am someone (not sure of gender though I wanna say male) and I'm in a room in a hospital with a group of people setting up futuristic camera equipment. An older woman with a stark white bob and bangs is showing signs of irritation and frustration at loading the "film" into the "camera". They were small clear rolls resembling packing tape. It was understood that loading them improperly exposed them and rendered them useless. It was also understood that this was a difficult task. I gave her a very sympathetic hug and calmed her down, reassuring her that I would have someone bring up and entire case of the stuff later.
We were setting up for a shoot of the event that will punctuate this dream and is indeed also its climax.
There were many smaller events that occurred during this, like catching eyes with a female patient, and being "caught" by another female patient, but in the name of brevity I will gloss over those.
I was a doctor and walking through the hospital. I'd already seen/witnessed what happens later, rather was experiencing it while also doing this, but I'm pretty sure this chronologically occurred first. I was in a room with an older doctor and someone else and a writhing patient on a bed. She had an electrode reminiscent of a headphone plug fitted into her temple. She was delirious and spouting off gibberish, but very much alive. Whether or not her state was drug-induced or part of some ailment is unknown to me. Knowing what was about to happen to her, I was there to effectively resign my position and wash my hands of it.
In the dream I just knew how what I was going to do would be received and that's why I did it. I had on a futuristic lab coat zipped all the way up to my neck. I began slowly and purposefully unzipping it. The older doctor's eyes widened. He began speaking, "You know that anyone who has ever removed their jacket has not finished my course, right?" I nodded assent. He looked at me with eyes that asked, "So you would still remove your jacket?" My eyes said "yes." back to him. I went on to tell him that I wanted to have nothing to do with this even if it meant my residency/career. He looked disappointed/angered but allowed me to leave.
In the room that had been set-up to record everything a group of doctors outfitted in the appropriate sterile gowns and adorned with futuristic goggles, mechanical arms and such were all poking and prodding and crowded around an operating table. On the operating table was the young woman from earlier. The lower half of her face was covered with medical paper or material or whatever and something was over her eyes as well. Her head was strapped down as were her hands, which were raised to be at nearly the same level as her head. The top of her head was cut open and several pulsating, glandular type organs were pulled out of it and attached to wires. From about two inches below her wrists and the neck down, the area of her body facing up was completely skinned. Muscles and tendons, shiny and shimmering in the light, oozing with blood and other body liquids, veins spiderworking overtop. Her rib cage was split open and her organs were exposed. She was writhing and squirming and very clearly awake/in pain. How aware of this she was I don't (and don't want to) know. The doctor I quit to is narrating, "This is the first live dissection of a human being recorded..."
This was all occurring as the captain was giving his speech, the planet-harvester was doing its work and we were on the surface of the planet.
Now at some point, either before this entire dream or perhaps intermingled with it (who knows) I also had a mini-dream where I was watching TV. There was a "Best Of" and/or "Most Extreme" style show for mixed martial arts on. Some guy was being billed as the victor but looking far worse for wear. Indeed he looked like he lost. Bad. A large gash on his head was so thick and wide it looked like a strip of flesh had simply been removed, but upon further inspection (and better camera angles) it was revealed to be hanging on still attached. Blood pouring down his face and body this was the least of his apparent injuries. His left hand also appeared to have been severed clean off. The gaping wound still generously issuing thick spurts of blood. Again, it was only an optical illusion, for when he raised both his hands in victory (quite oblivious to his injuries) you could see the hand was still attached and flopping around lazily on his wrist. As he raised and lowered his arms without any sign of caution or worry for the dangling appendage it swung to and fro according to each indelicate pose. All the while heavily spraying dark swathes of blood all over. To my relief everyone in the crowd seemed just as shocked as I was.
Like most people, typically, I am okay with simply letting my dreams fade upon waking. This one, however, I had the intense urge to capture in words. Again, it felt less like a dream, or something that science tells me a chemical cocktail in my brain is creating and more like I was transported to different times and places. Surreal and slightly off-putting but also spiritual and uplifting in a sort of way. Definitely gives credence to the whole dreams are reality and vice versa argument. At least to me. Maybe dreams are less a self-made acid trip and more an unanchoring from yourself and subsequently careening through different vibrations and dimensions....
One thing's for sure... one thing I've known for years... I definitely prefer dreams to reality.
I wish I could go back to sleep now...
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